# @melody-core/melody-git-hook

提供了强大的git hooks功能。

# how to use?

# English

in your project package.json, add:

"sctript": {
    "prepare": "melody-git-hook"

then install @melody-core/melody-git-hook

yarn add @melody-core/melody-git-hook -D

now, you can see your project which dir named '.melody' and file 'pre-commit'; you are seccessful.

if you want to update the shell, just write the file which named 'pre-commit'.

# 中文


"sctript": {
    "prepare": "melody-git-hook"


yarn add @melody-core/melody-git-hook -D

现在你可以看到你的项目里有 .melody 文件夹和pre-commit文件 你成功啦 现在尝试执行'git commit'的话,你将发现会先执行 pre-commit文件的shell脚本。 如果你想改变它的内容,直接重写这个文件内容就可以了,比如:

npm run test